Everyone knows that I, Dr. Bulb, am a huge fan of LEDs for commercial and sports lighting applications. They save people money, and save energy which helps make the world a better place! But how about art? Artist Andrew Hall is doing some pretty amazing pieces, called Light Paintings, with LED lights. Above is an example of one such painting.
This type of artwork is not painting as we know it. Instead, it is created with long exposure photography, allowing for moving lights to be recorded over a longer period of time than traditional photography. The outcome is an incredible pattern, detailing the path a light has taken. These patterns are created by light machines and human manipulation. Hall typically makes cyclical, or orb-like patterns with his art. His recent orbs series is inspired by many things, including circling electrons. Read an article about Andrew Hall’s work (including more photos) here.
So, whether they are used for art, smart- applications (see my last blog post), commercial, or sports applications, LEDs continue to evolve. For your next project, consider using LEDs. Access Fixtures carries a variety of LED products including LED bollards, LED tennis court lighting, LED wall packs, and LED lamps. Visit Access Fixtures for many different types of LED and other lighting products and let them know what you think of posts and products on Facebook!